Last year at this time, I was getting dressed up for holiday parties and New Years eve, scrutinizing myself and the way I looked and felt. I would take a massive amount of photos, posing at different angles, and then posting not the one I looked the happiest in, but the one I looked the…
Toning It Up
With the excitement of the 21 Day Challenge official kick off, as well as the high i’m still riding coming out of the TIU Tour, I wanted to share WHY I chose Tone It Up and why I continue to be eternally grateful. Not only that, but I want to encourage you to join me…
How To Become a Morning Person
There are two different people in this world: early risers who have extreme natural energy, equivalent to about three espresso shots, and night people who snooze eight times before waking up and need a trenta sized caffeine fix before even considering moving on with their day. When I was younger, my Mom would wake me…
Fitspo Products
It’s completely normal to fall into a “rut.” Last year, this happened to me during the Cubs world series, and for many, it happens around the holidays. Transitioning into springtime, people start to create summer plans and imagine what they’ll look like come May 31. Fitsperation, or “fitspo” can come in many forms. Most think…
How to Weekend
Here’s a trick question for you: How do you enjoy the weekend without a bottomless pit of guilt? All you need is a change in perspective mixed with the art of moderation. As some others may describe it, practicing balance. Weekends are a completely blank slate, open book, for us to selfishly enjoy. The only items…
What Is Bun Undone?
My name is Morgan Raphael, and I am a fitness and health enthusiast, marketing professional and self-care optimist. After graduating from Penn State University with a degree in Public Relations/Advertising, I moved to Chicago, completely on my own, knowing no one besides my boyfriend. I was surrounded by wellness as a child, with two parents…