Now that I’ve lived here for SEVEN (!!) years, it feels like it’s time to finally make a comprehensive list of all of my favorites. One of the most common questions I get asked on a daily basis in my messages or Q&A boxes is “where should I go when I visit chicago” or various…
Retreat Recap
Recharged and Undone A few months ago, Rachel (@rachelrecharged) reached out to me to discuss potentially partnering on a retreat. Retreats are something that had been on my bucketlist for a while. I feel like so many of my internet friends in NYC or LA go to them all the time! I on the other…
Wellness Regimen Q&A
A little bit ago I asked you all to send me some questions for a quick little wellness Q&A run down after going back to Green Circle Wellness (check out the full blog on that experience HERE). I’ve shared a lot about my transformation on the blog in older posts, but haven’t really done just…
Release and Recovery – Delos Muscle Therapy Update
This is the season that I’ve been prioritizing me. I’ve spent the summer doing things that are good for me and provide a release whenever I can. I’ve always put self-care as #1, but adding Delos to the list has made my feel like I’m taking EVEN better care of myself. I am grateful to…
Delos Muscle Therapy: The Ultimate Game Changer
With tons of wellness trends out there, it’s so easy to get overwhelmed with the options, especially when it comes to recovery. Well, I can honestly say I recently started implementing the most game changing tool into my wellness regimen: Delos Muscle Therapy. Delos is known to help with: chronic pain, muscle stiffness and athletic…
Buns and Boulders Event!
Buns and Boulders Event tickets are LIVE! Both General Admission and VIP tickets available. Saturday, April 6, 9 AM. Spend this Saturday HIITing at new heights with a powerful workout led from Live Better Co.’s Bret Gornik and Jason Loebig. VIP ticket holders will also receive Aura Photos and mini sessions with Revealing Soul, plus…
Brooklyn Boulders x Peter Kraus Fitness Event Recap and Interview!
Who else is a Bachelor fan? I’m definitely not afraid to admit my guilty pleasure and Monday night obsession. Truthfully, I’ve been watching since season 1 (with a few years off in the middle). I used to love watching it with my Mom and just cracking up at the dramatics of it all. We still…
My Version of Progress
It’s been a while since I’ve updated you all on my fitness and body journey. While it’s easy to follow through Instagram, it’s almost impossible to share my story at lengths in such a visual-centric platform. With that said, it has been almost two years since I started engaging with the Tone It Up community…
Neighborhood Tour: River North
If you know me personally, you know that I’ve been a bit of a nomad since making the move from New Jersey to Chicago. Despite the fact that I really don’t like moving, it seems to be a trend every year as we “outgrow” our apartment for various reasons. This time around, we wanted more…
”Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.” ~ Jason Crandell When I graduated college two and a half years ago, I was pretty lost. As if adapting from the college party lifestyle to the real world wasn’t enough, I was also completely unhappy with my job. I felt confused, insecure,…