Now that I’ve lived here for SEVEN (!!) years, it feels like it’s time to finally make a comprehensive list of all of my favorites. One of the most common questions I get asked on a daily basis in my messages or Q&A boxes is “where should I go when I visit chicago” or various…
Day in the Life with Fitz Cold Brew
Every day for me looks different. I guess that’s the beauty of building your own schedule ;). I’m currently in an intense work grind period, and doing whatever I can to fuel my productivity – (which I can attribute to Fitz Cold Brew Coffee), stay active, and stay positive. It’s definitely not always the most…
Life Lessons Chicago’s Taught me
Never in my life did I anticipate moving to a completely new city, in the Midwest, knowing practically no one. During my senior year when everyone was getting job offers with signing bonuses and I was scrambling to find pretty much anything and I pretty much assumed it would be in a surrounding city like…
Retreat Recap
Recharged and Undone A few months ago, Rachel (@rachelrecharged) reached out to me to discuss potentially partnering on a retreat. Retreats are something that had been on my bucketlist for a while. I feel like so many of my internet friends in NYC or LA go to them all the time! I on the other…
Current State: LIVING
How I’m currently defining balance, and how I got here Getting a little raw and personal with you guys on this one. Coming off the high of lollapalooza and this summer of fun,I felt awareness of a shift in my perspective, and I wanted to share that a bit more in-depth :). Over the years,…
Release and Recovery – Delos Muscle Therapy Update
This is the season that I’ve been prioritizing me. I’ve spent the summer doing things that are good for me and provide a release whenever I can. I’ve always put self-care as #1, but adding Delos to the list has made my feel like I’m taking EVEN better care of myself. I am grateful to…
Delos Muscle Therapy: The Ultimate Game Changer
With tons of wellness trends out there, it’s so easy to get overwhelmed with the options, especially when it comes to recovery. Well, I can honestly say I recently started implementing the most game changing tool into my wellness regimen: Delos Muscle Therapy. Delos is known to help with: chronic pain, muscle stiffness and athletic…
Leveling Up with Revealing Soul
As of late, you’ve probably seen me post aura photos of all different colors and a whole lot more mindfulness related quotes. At the end of January, I saw my friend Cindy Luffred, Revealing Soul, for the first time and can honestly say I’ve been experiencing an extreme mental, physical and spiritual shift ever since….
Buns and Boulders Event!
Buns and Boulders Event tickets are LIVE! Both General Admission and VIP tickets available. Saturday, April 6, 9 AM. Spend this Saturday HIITing at new heights with a powerful workout led from Live Better Co.’s Bret Gornik and Jason Loebig. VIP ticket holders will also receive Aura Photos and mini sessions with Revealing Soul, plus…
Brooklyn Boulders x Peter Kraus Fitness Event Recap and Interview!
Who else is a Bachelor fan? I’m definitely not afraid to admit my guilty pleasure and Monday night obsession. Truthfully, I’ve been watching since season 1 (with a few years off in the middle). I used to love watching it with my Mom and just cracking up at the dramatics of it all. We still…