Well, this is it. We’ve officially entering the next decade! This time of year is always such an emotional time for me. And this year I’ve really learned to tap into those emotions and take a lot of solo time to reflect. With that said, I wanted to make sure I outlined INTENTIONS for the year ahead. I have always believed that resolutions have a negative connotation of resolving something. This year, I encourage you to shift the mindset from resolving into evolving.
Something about setting intentions rather than goals really adds a level of authority to the practice. There’s more of a belief to what you’re saying, and more power behind it. It feels like manifesting, which I love, so I’m choosing to shape these goals into statements like I can and I will, rather than I want.
My words I plan to follow this year are ADAPTABILITY AND EXPANSION.
As 2019 was a year of change (more on this with my blog HERE), so this year I plan to harness those lessons and use that momentum to dive deeper into myself, take risks, and visualize my future.
Here are my 20 intentions for 2020:
- Do more with less. In general, I want to be more minimalistic. With material goods, with business, etc. I want to simplify this year! I would also love to get more organized. I think I may invest in an organization service, but we’ll see!
- Travel more, stress less. I mentioned in a recent Instagram post that I want to adapt better in order to travel with less stress. So much of my bloat is caused by worry and I want to focus on being present, soaking up the local culture, and let my body work its own magic.
- Vlogging! I want to really tap into this other platform and just have fun with it. Instagram will always be where I mainly connect, but I noticed that there’s some white space for Chicago vloggers so I’m going to try!
- Plan for my future. Get organized with savings!
- Journal more often. Continue meditation.
- Continue to carve out “me-time” each day, preferably with my morning routine!
- Dance! Take dance classes, attend concerts, let loose more often.
- Disconnect from tech before bed better (as I sit here writing at nearly midnight). I plan on doing this by setting a “nighttime” alarm with my Alexa Echo.
- Get back into reading and podcasts. Both are great mindfulness practices and help my creative side so much!
- Continue to release any emotions that surface. Write if necessary, then move on. Allowing these moments has helped me grow so much in 2019.
- Set better boundaries. Say no without feeling so guilty.
- Let go of limiting beliefs. 2019 was the year of change and 2020 is the year for EXPANSION!
- Cherish my baby, Self-Care Society and use that to propel into new business ideas and ventures. My dream is to create products someday, but this year, I want to lead panels, workshops and of course, host events! The guide is also going to help me connect with the community more, share more quotes, and just get more creative in general.
- Block and detox anything/anyone no longer serving me. Toxic relationships are so last year!
- Continue to learn about my body. 2019 was the year I learned all about my intolerances and this year I want to learn even more. I have plans to do this already!
- Continue to heal. I’ve realized recently how there’s a lot of traumas that continue to resurface and things I’m working through daily. I plan to stay patient and talk through these when they come up in order to fully let them go.
- Dine out less, cook in more. I LOVE cooking, but sometimes I get into the habit of grabbing food out instead. I know I’ll feel healthier and save money if I cook more often – even on weekends!
- Network more. So many of the friends and individuals I met this year have led to greatness in various forms. This year, I plan to reach out to expanders in my life to learn from those that inspire me.
- Celebrate successes more. In a job that’s done solo, it’s not as common. I plan to change that. I feel like there’s often a stigma around “worth” regarding money and I want to make sure in my personal life that I keep my relationship with success positive.
- Walk outside and spend more time looking up. I get caught up on my phone when I’m go-go-go, and I want to embrace my surroundings more.
What are some of your intentions? Screenshot the slide below and share on your stories, tagging @selfcaresociety_, @bun_undone and using #BunundoneSCS.
Great intentions! I plan to read something inspirational daily and want to include a deep breathing practice a three times a week into my routine. A bedtime alarm is a good idea, I started using a “last time to click play” time to prevent too much late night Netflixing.
I love that! Is yours an alarm on your phone? Happy New year!!
I love these intentions! I am also planning on writing more because i have noticed that I tend to hold onto a lot of thoughts and emotions and they keep me up at night (literally) so i need a way to release those thoughts and move on, sometimes talking about it isn’t enough! Also i can’t wait for the selfceare society stuff to start 🙂